posted by Momo Fali on November 2, 2011
So, you know how you pick up your son from Cub Scouts and he’s crying because he’s so hungry (because God love his amazing Scout co-leader, but she’s a busy mom and she left the bag of snacks, in a bag, ON HER DRIVEWAY), but that’s okay because you were proactive and ordered a pizza while you were waiting for your son, but on the way to the pizza place he’s saying, “My stomach HURTS BAD, because I’m starving”, and then you get to the pizza place and pull out your credit card and they say, “Oh, we only take cash or checks”, and you have to drag your hungry kid back to the car and then to the bank, and when you restart your 14 year old car at the pizza place for the SECOND time it starts making a hissing sound, and doing this lurching thing, so you call your husband, but he’s busy with the repair guy who is looking at your chimney because it’s so water damaged that it’s getting ready to collapse onto your roof and when you finally get home, you find out the quote to fix it is $7000?
Yeah, me too.
posted by Momo Fali on November 1, 2011
It is 9:50pm on November 1st, which technically means that there is still enough time for me to tell you that I am planning to participate in Nablopomo.
What is Nablopomo? Well, as French as it sounds, it’s really just short for National Blog Posting Month. It is a challenge for bloggers to post every day for the month of November.
Why would I do this to myself when I can’t even get the laundry done? Because clean clothes are overrated and I think I need a swift kick in the old-age-blogger-pants. This will force me to come back to this place I love.
See, I have been blogging since June, 2007. That’s an eternity on the internet. Shoot, that’s an eternity, period. Four years ago, my daughter was eight. EIGHT! Sigh…
So if you want to stop by, I will be here. I am not promising stellar content, as evidenced by this post. Sometimes, it might just be a picture. Sometimes, it might just be a sentence. And, there may be a short time when I am out of town, which means I’ll have to use my fancy scheduler thingy. Which, in fact, means you may see nothing at all.
Wish me luck. Also, next time we run into each other, please smack some sense into me. Thanks.
posted by Momo Fali on October 31, 2011
Here are a few things to remember when you go to a “Dynamic Duos” costume party as Amy Winehouse and her 10,000 ML bottle of vodka.

1. If you dye your blond hair, black, it will come out gray.
2. A borrowed Snookie wig will help.
3. Not everyone knows that Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning. Actually, pretty much, NO ONE knows that. You may have a lot of explaining to do.
4. If you wrap your husband in posterboard, don’t forget a flap for bathroom breaks, as you may get odd looks at the party when you take a steak knife to his groin.
posted by Momo Fali on October 27, 2011
On Tuesday night I went to bed early because I had to get up at 4:00am on Wednesday. After one-and-a-half Ambien, I was snoozing at, roughly, 9:30pm.
My husband was at a hockey game, so when I started getting ready to hit the hay (at 8:15…because that’s how long it takes a woman to actually move from the couch to bed when there are a dozen obstacles in her way…oh, for instance, like her 12 year old’s paper on kangaroo rats) I sent my husband a text telling him he had a short “honey-do” list waiting on the kitchen counter. It should be noted, that this is something I never do.
The list said:
1. Please fold the clothes in the dryer to the best of your ability.
2. Put the clothes from the washer into the dryer.
3. Throw the towels we use for the dogs into the washer, with lots of detergent, bleach and hot water.
When I woke, long before the sun had risen, I went to finish the laundry he had started, only to find that he had already done it. TWO loads of laundry were folded and stacked on the dining room table instead of just one.
When he got out of bed I asked, “What got into you?”
Which is when any impression that he had done it out of the goodness of his heart was vanquished when he replied, “Because, now you won’t be able to say that I haven’t done a single load of laundry in 16 years.”