Washin’ it Here, Boss

posted by Momo Fali on December 5, 2011

I can’t believe I’m going to say this…

My husband started doing the laundry.

For the past 16 years, I have been in charge of washing, drying, folding and putting away the mountain of clothing, sheets and towels that our family creates. My husband once calculated, between our two dogs, how many piles of poo he had picked up; just so you know, it was about 12,000. I figure that I have turned, at least, that many socks right-side-out.

But, between work, blogging, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, my kids’ extra-curricular activities and my over-use of commas, I have been falling behind. My husband could only go out and buy new underwear so many times before he stepped in and took it over.

Yesterday morning, he announced, “There’s a new sheriff in town” and he started sorting clothes.

His first job was to empty the washer of the jeans and sweatshirts which had been rotting in there for a few days. Holla! He took a whiff, deemed them fine, then threw them in the dryer. After which, I opened the dryer door, smelled a pair of my son’s pants, gagged and put them all back in the washing machine to be cleaned again.

So, the start wasn’t smooth, but by the sounds of his yelling at the kids, “I’m emptying your pockets this time, but I won’t be doing it again!” I think he’s getting the hang of it. So far, he’s only shrunk two pairs of my pants.

Sure, they look like capris now, but at least they’re clean.


Speaking of laundry…you have one more day to enter the $50 Visa gift card giveaway from BlogHer and Bounce!

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Third Grade Homework Can Be Messy

posted by Momo Fali on December 2, 2011

I felt the need to tell my son that, no matter what the problem,

“Sharts” are never the answer.


Day 30 – The End

posted by Momo Fali on November 30, 2011

I saw this on Etsy the other day and fell in love:

From Mobijo on Etsy

I think it’s fair to say that it’s hard for most people to step outside of their comfort zone. I also think it’s fair to say that a lot of people are searching for something they will never find unless they take that first step. You know that whole, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” thing? Yeah, that.

Take the shot.

Whatever it is that you want to be, or do…just try. I promise that no one will laugh at you or call you foolish. Even if you fail, they will say, “Wow. How great that she tried!” or “He never shirks away from a challenge”.

If you want to learn to tango, wear a red dress, get a new job, go back to school, attend trapeze lessons, start going to church, run a marathon, clean out your garage, or write a blog post every day for a month (or even…let’s say…28 days out of 30), then go for it!

Maybe, just maybe, you will succeed.

And, that will feel spectacular.

Day 29 – Failing (The Sequel)

posted by Momo Fali on November 29, 2011

Ugh. Well, I tried. I can’t even make up an excuse for last night’s lack of posting, though I would have likely fallen asleep again. I took my Ambien at 10:30pm, made a grocery list, and as I was getting ready to go upstairs my husband said, “You didn’t write a blog post.” I was about 20 minutes into my sleeping-pill haze and I probably wouldn’t have stayed awake long enough to type the title.

Instead of turning my computer back on, I chose to go to bed.

That means I’ve now missed two days out of the the last 29. Dang it. To be that close to a finishing a challenge and not see it through kind of stinks. But, there is always next November…right? *laughs maniacally* *dons straitjacket* *begs to be taken to a padded room with no internet access*

Speaking of padded rooms, I think it’s time that I invested in a happy light. Ohio is gray, yo’. I’m all, “Where’s my Prozac?”

And, my husband is all, “You don’t take Prozac. Here, drink some of my homemade wine.”

But, as good as his moonshine is, it doesn’t make me happy when I look out the window. I would leave Ohio for someplace with bluer skies, if I could convince my husband to do so. In a heartbeat, really. Of course, that would mean tearing my kids out of school and leaving family, including our parents.  Though, if I said, “blue sky”, my 77 year old mom would be jumping into our car, like Luke Duke, to go with us.

I looked at lights for people with Seasonal Affective Disorder today, but they are so ugly. If any of you come across a box of sunshine that doesn’t look like a box of sunshine, please let me know. I feel like having a lamp that is so OBVIOUSLY for depression, would only depress me further. Make it silver-based with a lovely shade and then we’ll talk.

I think that, combined with the moonshine, might just do the trick.

In the meantime, I’m here to make YOU happy! Don’t forget to enter my Bounce and Dove giveaways! Who needs happy lights when there are gift cards involved?