posted by Momo Fali on February 22, 2008
Not only should we never drink and drive, but we shouldn’t drink and send e-mails either. The following arrived in my inbox, from my BFF, at 3:12 AM last Sunday. Did you realize you could slur while typing? Please note, she did NOT drive. It’s quite clear that her car was at Robing’s house. Enjoy…
I’m very buszed and wanted to leave a comment ofn you blog but better if not. Ver y tire too. I got 5l5 hours of slep leat night –oh, that is 5.5 hours – and then whent out tonight with neighbors agfter the njewlery party Rboing had. I thought I’d be home at about 9; 30. Uh, yeah. Oh, and I have a xizsat (that says, “zit”) the soizes (truly, that is the second time I have typed the word, “sixe” …”SIXRE” … “xiwse” … “sixe” …. “SIZE”!!!!!!) um… oh~! A zit the size of Kandse! Kansesa@ Kanases! Kansesa! Kansas!!!! YEAS! It is a beacon for landing plandse/.. That said “olanes” … “Pleane@” I’mre uRES! “PLANES!” I am crancikint! Up right now!@!!
Can’t kept going. REmong me to tell you about a sujrprise 340th bday parythe. !@!
Welp, I wan’t drivnign … my car is at robings’.
posted by Momo Fali on February 21, 2008
My kids talk…A LOT. My nine year old daughter started talking at 18 months and has been chatty ever since. It can take her ten minutes to tell a story that could’ve been told in three sentences. My husband and I often say that she would be an amazing FBI interrogator. Criminals would certainly cave in and divulge their secrets if they had to spend time locked in a room with her.
My five year old son rambles all day. He talks to his sister, us, and his toys. He sings while he plays, and is always making noise. He’s still at a stage where he asks questions constantly too. It’s enough to drive a Mother crazy.
Yesterday, I took my son to his doctor to have impacted wax cleaned out of his ears. His ear canals are very small, so they easily clog up and we’ve been making trips to the ENT every few months. When he starts asking, “What?” all the time, we know it’s time to schedule an appointment.
After the procedure was over and he climbed out of the chair, his doctor asked, “Does that feel better?”
My son replied, “Yeah!”
Then he realized that he could actually hear himself talk and said, “But, my mouth is SO LOUD!”
You’re telling me, kid. You’re telling me.
posted by Momo Fali on February 20, 2008
Today is “Letter Q day” at my son’s preschool. For each letter day, he is supposed to bring in an item which starts with that letter, and he decided he would take a quarter…probably like the rest of the class will.
Lately, he’s been putting his underwear on backward, so this morning when he was getting dressed for school, I asked him to come closer so I could see if he had put them on correctly.
When he was a few feet away and facing me, I said, “Okay. I can tell you have them on the right way.”
He asked, “How do you know? The tag’s in the back.”
I said, “Well, there’s that little…uh…pocket in the front, so I can tell they’re not on backward.”
He looked down and replied, “Oh! I can put my quarter in there!”
posted by Momo Fali on February 19, 2008
MSN Health and Fitness has declared fungi-filled facial products to be the newest “age-erasers”. It turns out that mushrooms can decrease inflammation and improve the tone of your skin.
You should discontinue ‘shroom application if skin irritation occurs, or if you suddenly develop an affinity for tie-dyed t-shirts and Joan Baez music.
