If you haven’t been watching the Olympics, it’s time to climb out from under your rock. Let’s catch up, shall we?
The opening ceremony in Beijing was, simply put, visually stunning. Unless you happened to be on narcotic pain killers for a migraine headache, in which case it was quite scary.

The audience was filled with world leaders and dignitaries, including our very own President George W. Bush, who appeared hot around the collar. It’s possible it was the temperature. But, it was more likely the lead paint from his “red phone”, which was ironically Made in China.
Here, he trades in that red phone for his finger phone and tells Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin to, “Call me”.

This is swimmer, Michael Phelps. He strikes this pose A LOT. Because he can. He currently holds three gold medals with more on the way. On day three, he and his teammates took it upon themselves to smash some Frenchies. Merci beaucoup, Mr. Phelps. Merci beaucoup.

If you haven’t watched synchronized diving, don’t start. You will be enthralled by the smoothness, the timing, and the skill, only to find out something was completely off.
A fraction of a twist here, a slight over extension there. All noted while the divers are flipping and speeding through the air. Here you can clearly see why the USA didn’t earn a medal. What? You don’t see it? Note the toe curl. No medal for you!

Currently, China and the United States are neck and neck in the overall standings. If you want to give a shout out to the underdog, you’ll need to cheer for Uzbekistan. Because if your country was somewhere between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, you’d need people to cheer for you too…medals or not. No offense to the former Soviet Bloc. Just sayin’.