I have not kept it secret that our family is struggling financially. My husband and I have both been in the mortgage business since college. It’s all we’ve ever known professionally. Maybe you haven’t heard, but the mortgage industry isn’t doing so hot. Oh, you already knew that? My bad.
When the market took a turn for the worse, I left my role as stay-at-home-mom and jumped in to help out. I took a part-time job as a teacher’s aide, I sell stuff on e-bay, and I have this here blog. Altogether, that brings in about $2.56 a month.
So, I have spent the past few days looking at employment boards, though I must admit…the last time I had to send out a resume there was no internet. I know the system of applying for jobs online is supposed to be efficient, which is why I have no idea why it takes me forever.
But today, my third day at it, I managed to get through the process more effectively and I was feeling pretty proud of myself when I smiled at my daughter and said, “I did a good job today! I sent in resumes for eight different positions!”
She said, “Oh, I forgot to tell you! There’s a place across from my school that’s hiring!”
I asked, “Really? How do you know that?”
She replied, “Because there was a guy standing out front, dressed like a hot dog, holding up a sign.”