Wide Load

posted by Momo Fali on July 13, 2009

I will never claim to be a petite flower. I am 5’10” and have palms that make Meadowlark Lemon look like an extra from The Wizard of Oz. Also, you know you’re old when the first basketball player that comes to mind is Meadowlark Lemon.

My seven year old son does not take after me in the height department…yet. Because of his small stature and his medical issues, some of his gross motor milestones have been reached much later than typical children. It is sometimes impossible for a seven year old to do something that is normal for his age when he is the size of a child who is four.

One of the things he’s had trouble mastering is swinging on our swing set. He isn’t big enough to hop on the swing himself, so he has always just made do with swinging on his belly.

But, day before yesterday I talked him into giving it a try. I promised him that even though his feet don’t touch the ground, he would be okay if I put him on the swing and stood nearby. After I pushed him a few times, I could tell he really loved it. I explained the concept of “feet out”, “feet under” and he took to it immediately.

A few minutes went by and he said, “Mom, I want you to swing too!”

I smiled. “I wish I could, buddy.”

He continued…feet out, feet under…then realizing his mom’s size is also not so typical, he said, “But, we would need a bigger swing. Maybe you could use that brown one.”

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In Heaven You Don’t Have to Watch Your Step

posted by Momo Fali on July 9, 2009

In our house, we discuss faith a lot. We attend mass regularly, I work at the Catholic school where both kids are students and we often pray as a family. When the children are older, we’ll probably drink beer and play bingo together…because, that’s what we Catholics do.

But it seems I have more explaining to do in the faith department, because as we passed a cemetery the other day, my seven year old son asked, “Mom, is that heaven?”

No son, that’s where people walk their dogs and don’t pick up the poop.


posted by Momo Fali on July 7, 2009

Yesterday morning, my seven year old son was playing in our back yard. I looked out the window to see him talking to himself…non-stop.

I watched for a few minutes then I walked outside and asked, “Who are you talking to?”

He replied, “My friends.”

“What friends?”

He held out his arm and pointed toward the garage, “The cars. The cars are my friends.”

I found this oddly comforting. Not the fact that my son was going all David Hasselhoff on me, but because these friends of his were real objects.

When my daughter was young, she had an entire entourage of imaginary friends. Friends we couldn’t see. We would get in a lot of trouble when one of them was sitting on the couch and we didn’t realize it. For the record, you can smash something that isn’t even there.

Her favorite friend was Simba. Simba went everywhere with us. Simba ate with us, watched TV with us and even ran errands with us.

And, one time, we accidentally left Simba in a church pew.

After Mass, as the entire congregation was beginning to exit the church, we stood at the back of the building trying to comfort our crying daughter who was throwing a fit because we were leaving her friend behind.

Trying to talk sense into her did no good. Our little girl was crushed. So we did the only thing we could think of doing. People watched as my husband walked back to our empty pew, grabbed at the air, “picked up” Simba and delivered him to our daughter’s waiting arms.

Now do you see why I’m happy about my son’s new friends? You can’t take an SUV to church. Though I will say, his friends do cost more to feed.

Reasons I Love America

posted by Momo Fali on July 4, 2009

1. Freedom of speech
2. Vegas, baby
3. Maryland crab cakes
4. The Grand Canyon
5. Baseball
6. The Great Lakes (okay, not really…but, they always get the short-stick and I kind of feel sorry for them)
7. Hawaii is ours
8. The United States Marines
9. Tiger Woods
10. Rolling Rock