My Dogs

posted by Momo Fali on August 5, 2009
This is Blue. She is 11 years old and weighs 65 pounds.
She likes to bark at the mailman.

This is Daisy. She is six months old and weighs 55 pounds. She likes to sneak up and pounce on people, and on 11 year old dogs.

Blue hates Daisy.

And, because I spend my entire day yelling, “Dogs! I mean it! Quit your fighting!” I think I need to buy this shirt.

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Sugar, Sugar

posted by Momo Fali on July 31, 2009

I had my first migraine when I was eight years old. I remember being in the school nurse’s bathroom, alone, scared, vomiting up my cafeteria lunch with my head hurting so bad that I wanted to crack it open on the corner of the sink and let the pain spill all over the linoleum floor. Ah, good times, good times.

I have tried a lot of different medications in the last thirty years, but none of them really work. Five weeks ago, I decided to take things into my own hands and see if giving up sugar would help.

It’s not no-sugar, but it’s so-low-it-may-as-well-be-no-sugar. And, you know what? It did help. In a four week span, I had one headache. ONE. That’s unheard of.

But, in the past week (and I’m totally blaming this on my trip to Chicago) I have let myself enjoy bread, and wine…and chocolate again. Which is probably why I’m typing this at 5:00am and have been up all night with a headache.

Yep. It’s time for me to get back on the wagon.

At the very least, my teeth are very happy about this situation. The Honey Nut Cheerios, however, are ticked.

Pulling No Punches

posted by Momo Fali on July 29, 2009

While driving the car, I looked in the rear view mirror to see my seven year old son lean slowly across the back seat toward his older sister. His movements were deliberate so as not to be seen by me.

Then in a hushed tone I heard him say, “Hey, Sis. Let’s play slug bug so I can slug you.”

Forget Cleveland…it’s Chicago that Rocks

posted by Momo Fali on July 27, 2009

I learned many things at the blogging conference I just attended in Chicago. There were a lot of sessions, and speakers, and sponsors…and parties.

The first thing I learned is that you can’t physically be in three different places at once, no matter how hard you try. The moment I arrived, I had a trio of gatherings to attend. I chose to go to a volunteer meeting where the coordinator told us not to show up at our 7:00am shift hungover. Which led me to raise my Corona in the air in agreement and exclaim, “Hear hear!”

I also found out that no matter how much you love your roommate, you may not like her as a bedmate. Unless, of course, you like waking up with another woman lying on half of your body with her face nuzzled in your neck. Did I mention the snoring?

I learned invaluable information, such as how to use your Blackberry to find a dive bar near the Sears Tower that serves $3.00 margaritas and cheese-stuffed pretzels. I found out that you can pay a bum to show you to the train station and that meeting your favorite bloggers is kind of like meeting your best friend and a celebrity all at the same time. That’s not my line, it’s his.

I was taught that free beer is awesome, sun-dried tomato and goat cheese canapé turns to paste in your mouth and that deep-fried macaroni and cheese may be the world’s most perfect food. Though you may want to have a defibrillator handy.

I found out that my favorite author is more than amazing in person and that she won’t sign her latest book when it’s a copy you checked-out from the library and carted to Chicago. What? I was totally going to pay the library to replace it. Don’t judge me, people.

If it wasn’t for the conference, I wouldn’t have been educated in how to drive a Tahoe (thanks for the loaner, Chevy), how to win an iPod Touch (thanks for the raffle, Hanes) and how to find hidden hotel suites giving out free clothes (thanks for the shirt and jeans, GAP).

And finally, I learned that it is great to see old friends and that you shouldn’t take Ambien before saying goodbye to your new friends, because when they are hugging and crying, you’ll be laughing and chasing unicorns.