
posted by Momo Fali on November 3, 2014

Today was kind of boring. My employer, BlogHer, was bought by SheKnows Media. This acquisition makes my new employer, SheKnows, the most influential, online, women’s lifestyle network reaching 147.4 million social media fans and followers each month. YAWN. Typical Monday.

Just to refresh your memory, I am a social media manager. Social was a little busy today, what with national media outlets, online influencers, marketers and community members blowing up my Twitter feed with millions upon millions of impressions about the merger. This morning there were copious amounts of coffee, tonight there will be wine. Kind of like There Will be Blood, but with less Daniel Day-Lewis and more slurring.

What does this all mean for me? I don’t really know yet. I know that I’m a part of something big and I’m extremely grateful to be in this position. I know I got here with a lot of hard-work, sacrifices, self-motivation, networking, AND A WHOLE LOT OF LUCK AND BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME.

You really just never know when you’ll be at a pet-blogger conference organized by your childhood friend and bump into the COO of the company that runs ads on your blog. You know, the blog you started on a whim? And, she’s a vegan and your wearing camo pants, so you make a great first impression. Then she offers you a job and changes your world.

But, that’s the thing about life, you can’t predict it. Ever. You can try to plan your path, but you don’t really know where it will lead or who you’ll merge with to create a new chapter.

One thing’s for sure, I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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posted by Momo Fali on November 2, 2014

family (2)

These people. These goofy, blurry, imperfect people to my right are what make my life sane, clear and ideal. Okay, not sane exactly, but they do keep my head on straight. They are my purpose. My gift.

They are why I get out of bed every morning and wash dishes every night. They are why I’m buried in laundry and, occasionally, smothered with love. They are my everything.

Is that healthy? Probably not. But, I don’t care. All of my eggs are in this kooky basket of misfits and I’m fine with it. Before a concerned reader emails me and tells me I’m not living my life right, let me say that I take care of me too. I started running again, I hit the gym a few times a week, I write, I took a painting class, I started coloring thanks to a generous gift of Coloring Animal Mandalas from my friend, Melisa – so, I’m not neglecting myself.

But, those people up there? They lift me up and they keep me grounded at the same time. And, you can’t ask for a better atmosphere than that.

Strong Blogging

posted by Momo Fali on November 1, 2014

Every year, around October 25th, I lose my mind a little. Maybe it’s the impending, scary holiday, the change of seasons, or the fact that National Blog Posting Month is right around the corner.

Yeah, it’s the latter.

Once again, I have made the commitment to blog every day for the month of November. This includes Thanksgiving, because who doesn’t have time to roast a turkey, bake a pumpkin pie from scratch, host dinner, and whip up a witty conversation piece? *points at self* *THIS GIRL*

The reason is not because I have a lot to say, but rather because I don’t. This is the greatest exercise for blog writing that I’ve ever known and as I get older and wiser (but, mostly older) I’ve come to realize that if you don’t work to strengthen something, it will atrophy.

So here I am, on day one, scrambling to get a post up after 11:00pm. Oh boy. It’s going to be a rough 30 days! I hope you’ll be along for the ride.

I volunteered to watch a scary movie with my husband the other night. I hate scary movies. I haven’t cared for them since seeing Amityville Horror at the tender age of EIGHT (thanks, Aunt Connie). I can’t even watch 48 hours when I’m in the house alone.

But, my husband said if I’d watch Jeepers Creepers with him we would turn the lights out and there would be snuggling and air-popped popcorn, so I had that going for me. If there had been Raisinets, I would have submitted to a double-feature. He likes me because I’m easy.

So we settled in and went in search of Jeepers Creepers, which we couldn’t find even though both of us had seen it listed on HBO, or Netflix, or somewhere. This left us with surprisingly few options given we were just days away from Halloween. Get your act together, cable. What good are you if you can’t make a women pee her pants with fear?

After scrolling through the selections, we stumbled across Children of the Corn. I had never seen it, so it seemed a good choice. You can’t go wrong with Stephen King, right? Wrong.

The acting! The music! The special effects! The 80s!

I could make a better movie with my iPhone and my dogs playing the lead roles. I mean, honestly, it didn’t even turn me off of running between rows of corn, which I’m pretty sure will never happen, but if it were to happen I should be terrified, which I wouldn’t be. So, if you see me running between rows of corn, you’ll know why I’m not scared.

Now I feel like I need to watch more horror movies, because maybe they aren’t scary at all and I’ve been missing the chance to have a good laugh. Next up: Leprechaun in the Hood.
