posted by Momo Fali on May 19, 2010
You know how you stay up late with your husband drinking homemade, blackberry wine and then you wake up at 4:30am and can’t go back to sleep, and four hours later you get on a school bus with 30 first graders for a zoo field trip, and then you walk around for four hours in the rain, and you watch a gorilla regurgitate and re-eat it over and over again, and sometimes the gorilla eats its own boogers, and then you go to lunch and give thanks that you didn’t pack guacamole, and then a bug flies in your mouth, and on the bus ride home your son sleeps the entire way, which means he doesn’t fall asleep until way-to-late-o’clock on a school night?
Yeah me too.
posted by Momo Fali on May 17, 2010
I have a good friend with whom my family spends a lot of time. I would like to say it’s because our older daughters are in the same class and play a lot of sports together, or because her younger daughter and my son are nine months apart. But, pretty much, it’s because we both like beer.
My friend’s father is in his eighties and lives with her and her family. We call him Pops.
My eight year old son and Pops have a great relationship, despite the more than seven decades between them. They both tire easily, they are both hard of hearing and they both have heart problems. It’s kind of a match made in heaven.
It turns out, they both have eye problems too. Although I had never noticed, my son picked up on the fact that Pops’ right eye looks different from his left. Thank goodness the entire family is aware of my child’s blatant honesty, because he didn’t have any problem mentioning it.
And when Pops told my boy that he was blind in one eye, my son said, “Hey, Pops. Cover your good eye with one of your hands.” Pops obliged.
Then my son did what any good, supportive person would do to his blind friend.
He hid.
posted by Momo Fali on May 14, 2010

This lovely note was plastered to my windshield on Wednesday afternoon. Let’s discuss, shall we?
1) There is no curb in front of his house
2) I parked during a rainstorm
3) My right tires were covering about three inches of his grass, along the street
4) Upon inspection of his yard after reading this love note, I didn’t see a single blade of grass that was smashed and/or out of place
I don’t know what’s worse, being called a moron by someone because of an ever-so-slightly bad parking job, or being called a moron by someone who used a double negative.
posted by Momo Fali on May 12, 2010
Very early this morning, one of our nephews boarded a flight to California where he will join his older brother. They are two members of the same Marine unit and after training out west will deploy in August to, most likely, Afghanistan.
The older of the two has seen combat before. In 2005, while serving in Iraq, he lost 22 fellow Marines and one Navy Corpsman…out of the 160 who deployed with him. This unit suffered one of the greatest losses in the war. When our nephew made it home safely, I cried every time I saw him for quite some time.
Since then, he got married, had a son and his younger brother decided to follow in his footsteps. Now there are two of them going off to fight. Two children of the same mother and father who are some of the strongest parents I know.
I know that every other Marine is considered family, but I’m happy they have each other too. I am already counting the days until I can cry tears of joy because of their safe return.
I was going to end this by saying, “Be safe, boys”, but that wouldn’t be right. They are men. They are brave and strong and I’m glad they are on our side.
I’m proud to know them and call them family.
Semper Fi.