The principal at the school where I work, and where my children attend, was walking through the cafeteria the other day when I saw her stop to talk to my son. A few minutes later, I took a big gulp as she approached the kitchen where I was working.
Not that I was terribly worried, as his blatant honesty has prepared me for anything.
Let’s review, shall we?
He once told a doctor that she had a, “really, really, really big nose” and he told an elderly woman that she was dead. He saw a wrinkled, old lady at the store and said that she needed to use lotion and has even complimented large people…by telling them that he likes their “chinny chin chins.”
And, let’s not forget when he named his testicles, Racer and Jennifer, then proceeded to tell complete strangers about his “babies”.
My son keeps things interesting. Although he has a whole lot of quirks, there is one part of his behavior that is constant; you never know what he is going to say.
I was thinking of this when the principal walked up to me and stated, “Diane, I have to tell you what your son just said.”
I began to form an apology in my head, but then she continued, “He wanted to wish me a happy afternoon and tell me that he’s been praying for my sister. He says the most appropriate things!”
To which I replied, “Give him a minute.”