Friday afternoon, I picked up my daughter at school, ran home to pick up the puppy, took her to the vet (then took her back home after her appointment), then quickly got my son and his gear together and drove him to t-ball practice. Also, what else is new? This is why I sometimes forget to breathe.
After practice, the kids and I stopped by a carry-out for some Corona milk then drove home to make a quick pit-stop before heading out to a cookout. On the way home I gave everyone jobs so that we could get to our friends’ house on time, because I knew they were waiting on us.
I told my son, “Your jobs are to take off your cleats, put your socks down the laundry chute, go to the bathroom, wash your hands and grab your Crocs.”
Then I looked in the rear view mirror at my daughter and said, “You let both dogs out and feed them.”
She nodded then asked, “What are your jobs?”
I replied, “I’m going to give the puppy her medicine, give your brother his medicine, and I need to touch up my makeup.”
My daughter questioned me, “Makeup? Why do you need to do that?”
I tried to reassure her that I wouldn’t be cutting into her play time. “I just need to touch up under my eyes.”
“Oh. I can understand that.”
I sarcastically replied, “Gee, thanks!”
“No, Mom. Just because you don’t get enough sleep and you always look so tired.”
“Uh. Thanks, again!”
“Wait. I mean, everyone needs eye makeup, but especially you.”
My daughter. The girl can dig herself in a hole and she doesn’t even need a shovel.