So Much Good

posted by Momo Fali on April 25, 2013

There is the friend who sent me relaxation in the form of a spa gift card.

There is the parent who offered to get a group of people together to take my son on the field trip he wasn’t allowed to attend, and who also wanted to throw in a Reds game. Sharks, beer, and peanuts? Count me in!

There are my in-laws who provided me much-needed respite. I even took a bubble bath.

There are dozens of people who emailed, texted, hugged and listened. There are so many friends praying and hoping for us right now. Thank you.

I haven’t felt this good about humanity since the infamous meat-wagon, freezer incident of 2009.

Momo's meat wagon

And, maybe that’s what this is all about. Maybe every now and then we need to be reminded that there is more good than bad; that for every awful thing you read or experience, there are hundreds of good deeds going unnoticed or unmentioned.

If I’m going to share the bad, then you’ll have to bear with me as I share the good, too. That spa gift card, though? I’m keeping that all to myself.


  • Mama D

    So very glad to hear this. Enjoy your spa visit!

  • Melisa

    I love you, Mrs. Meat 2009. You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.

  • Arnebya

    I stopped reading at spa because SWOON. Then I read the rest and you’re right; there is good all around us and sometimes, it shows itself in spectacularly great ways.

  • Mare

    So glad you’ve been loved on recently. We all need to be nurtured once in a while. And Moms always seem to be the last ones to get the attention. I have to remind myself, too, that there is more positive than negative. Life is just hard. 🙂
    from The Dugout

  • Liz

    Because you’re worth it 🙂

  • AlisonH

    Oh good. I’m so glad it’s getting better.

  • CyndyNewsome

    You totally deserve it, along with better things to come. xo

  • meleah rebeccah

    “Maybe every now and then we need to be reminded that there is more good than bad; that for every awful thing you read or experience, there are hundreds of good deeds going unnoticed or unmentioned.”

    Amen to that. Amen.