I had this great big post planned because I have been gone so long (I’m pretty sure my advertisers think my colonoscopy killed me). I typed it out at the airport in New York yesterday and thought it sounded awesome, but when I looked at it again today, it was just a giant rambling mess.
There is too much, just TOO MUCH, to say and when I try to put it all together it looks like verbal vomit on my computer screen. So, instead, I will share the very few pictures I took, and a few that I stole from my friends without asking. Without further ado, here is my last week in pictures.
I visited the 9/11 Memorial. It’s beautiful and well-designed. I ran my fingers over random names and had goosebumps the entire time.
I hung out with friends.
In some photos, I appeared more greasy than others. NYC in August, holla!

photo courtesy of melisa of suburbanscrawl.com. photobomb courtesy of Jenn from mommyneedscoffee.com
And, for geeks like me, the fun and games continued in the panel rooms where I spoke at a day-long workshop on how blogging can change your life and then at a session on how to leverage Twitter and Facebook. The Twitter and Facebook panel was standing-room only and was a highlight of my short, but amazing, social media career thus far. I took a picture from the front of the room before we got started.
And, my friend Angie, snapped this picture from the audience.
I fulfilled my AV dreams. This is where I sat during keynotes by Martha Stewart and Katie Couric as I fed questions to the interviewers. It’s a long way from the cable access show that I worked on in high school.

Yes, I just wrote about how awesome it was to sit with the tech crew. At least I own my level of geekdom.
An impromptu dinner with the hilarious Jessica Bernturned into a quick tour of the Upper West Side and I got to see The Dakota and Lincoln Center and eat a vegan burrito in a hole-in-the-wall, which made it all the more delicious.
I went to mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, I walked along the plaza outside of 30 Rock, strolled past the entrance of the Museum of Modern Art, and I bought an I <3 NY shirt from a street vendor. I peered into Gray’s Papaya and Carnegie Deli, but couldn’t resist the food at the Famous Halal Guys’ cart on the corner of 6th Avenue and 53rd Street.
I did SO much, but I didn’t scratch the surface of what NYC has to offer; yet my heart and mind are full.
And, more than anything, my feet hurt really, really bad.
It was so wonderful to give you a hug and LOVEd the heck out of your session with Deb Rox.
Really, you two: what a treat.
Also: you say what you mean and are all transparency. I love that, appreciate it, am grateful for it: thank you.
so jealous.
Stephanie ODea
I’m so glad I had the opportunity to finally meet you! This was one of the best weekends, ever.
Sharon Graham
So glad you had a wonderful time in NYC! I have never been and love reading about all you did while there. ~Sharon
Fun! Nice to see all the different bloggers show up on one blog. I kept thinking, “I know her! I know HER!” Well not really KNOW, but you know. π
My feet are calling me all sorts of names still, but I shush them with my satiated smile. That is what I am: satisfied. Even though we didn’t meet (and there is a huge list of folks for whom I am lamenting that missed opportunity), it was an extraordinary experience.
That was one busy tour of the city, on top of all of the great panels and activities. (I really thought the best panel was the google/twitter one! I geeked it out right along with you all.) It was great to meet you and I wish you and your blisters well.
I love all of your pics (and the ones you borrowed) π I was sad I didn’t have time to make it downtown to see the 911 memorial. It sounds like you had a very filling trip! So awesome. And I hear ya on the feet thing. The blister on my foot STILL has a heartbeat!
I visited NYC three weeks after 9/11 and I was blown away by the resiliency of the people who live there. Everywhere my friends and I went, we were welcomed with open arms, literally. Shop owners and theater actors were so happy to see tourists visiting after the tragedy. I met survivor firefighters and walked among the makeshift memorials. I visited the apartment of a gal who worked, at the time, for People magazine who lived three blocks from Ground Zero. The dust from the mayhem was still in the hallway of her apartment building. My time in NY was something I will never forget, and I will always be grateful for the experience. I wish I could have been there to meet you and all the other blog-hers who attended the convention. I’ll make sure I don’t miss out next year. Peace.
Loved your recap in pictures. Wish I had been at your session! π
I tore my feet up so bad on Friday that I had to wear sneakers with my dress pants on Saturday!
Great recap, great conference!
I do not know where you found that rice and meatballs but man, I’m friggin’ hungry. Right. Now.
I had an amazing time meeting so many people! Just amazing. I could post daily about it for around a year. Oh that would be about the time for BlogHer’13 wouldn’t it? π
meleah rebeccah
Wow! I am sooo sad, I wasn’t able to come. But I am super glad you had so much fun! xoxoxo