My husband made a comment about my blog being heavy with sponsored content right now and I agree. I know I don’t have to explain it, but I want to. You will see more ads and more sponsored posts than usual (at least for the time being) for three reasons:
1) Companies are interested in this space because readers show up. When I write a review post, the majority of the time this includes a giveaway for one of you. Gift cards, game systems, Kindles…many goodies are offered because these brands understand that social media is word of mouth, times infinity. Twitter is the old corner store and Facebook is the old front porch. You like something, you share it, they do more business. My reviews don’t just benefit me, they benefit you because brands know that blog readers are a social media savvy group.
2) I don’t review or promote anything that I haven’t tried and believe in. My recent Kings Island and Microsoft Office posts, for example? One-hundred percent authentic. Tonight I’m reviewing wine (and there will be something in it for a reader). I will also tell you the truth about this wine, especially if I drink a bunch of it first. I am nothing if not honest. I just told you people about my colonoscopy for crying out loud.
3) We’re broke. Like, FLAT broke. We have medical bills that are mounting so high it’s starting to look like an episode of “Hoarders” up in here. Hearing aids, sleep apnea, intestinal emergencies, congenital heart disease, and this week we add an orthodontist to the mix because my son’s roots have so little room that they’re actually deteriorating. Yippee! This is why it makes perfect sense that we went out the other day and bought this:

No, this is not sponsored by CarMax. They gave me nothing. I’m just so used to taking sponsored photos that it must be instinct.
Okay, in our defense we had NO intention of buying a new (to us) car. But, at merely five years old and only 43,000 miles, oh…and manufactured by a non-existent car company *hi, Saturn!* they made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. Not to mention that our 15 year old SUV was, quite literally, falling apart around us. No, really. I didn’t feel safe in it and certainly didn’t like my children sitting in a back seat with doors that wouldn’t open. Also, it’s for sale! Call me!
So, there you have it. You may have to scroll through some sponsored content with more frequency for awhile, but I still like to think you’ll show up.
Of course, that could be the free wine talking.