Archive for June, 2012

At Arm’s Length

posted by Momo Fali on June 8, 2012

I flew to Seattle yesterday morning for the BlogHer Food Conference. I started to write this post at the airport before I left Ohio, but because I hate to fly and I was going to talk about flying, I thought it would end up being one of those prophetic posts. You know, after the crash and all.

First of all I hate to fly, as evidenced by the time I took a Xanax and had two vodka cranberries. That flight? I liked. We hit turbulence and I may as well have had a cowboy hat and a lasso. Yee haw!

But, for the times I don’t have medication and I’m on the way to another city to actually work, I have to tough it out and because nothing takes my mind off of the world around me quite like being online, I ordered myself an upgrade to an exit row seat so I could work on the web from 25,000 feet. This is what I was going to tell you about when I started to write in Ohio; that I am a genius for thinking far enough ahead to get that seat.

What I didn’t consider is that exit rows give you more leg room, but you don’t get any more arm room. Lest you forget, I once held the prestigious nickname of “orangutan arms.”

I don’t know if you know this, but exit row seats have tray tables that come out of the arm of the seat. Some people might consider that before paying extra.

Said tray table is exactly 5 inches deep and sits, roughly, in the vicinity of your belly button. This is not an ideal position for typing. Sure, you could put your laptop directly on your lap, but when the plane is the temperature of roasting AND you are peri-menopausal, a hot computer on your thighs isn’t the better option. Trust me.

However, there was an upside, with the laptop sitting on the zipper of my jeans and with me being lucky enough to score the middle seat, I found that upgrading finally rid me of that “Orangutan Arms” moniker.

All it took was a swipe of my credit card and now you may call me, “T-Rex.”

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Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is Apple-solutely Delish!

posted by Momo Fali on June 4, 2012
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It’s no secret that I like to have a cocktail now and then. My husband makes his own wine, I’m a big fan of blueberry vodka and I have never met a cold lager that I didn’t like.

With the warm days of summer on the horizon I enjoy an icy-cold beverage even more; unfortunately this doesn’t always agree with my girlish figure. And, when I say girlish, I mean large one.

Because of this, I usually stick to light beer, but I do like to change things up once in awhile. If you have been down the beer aisle at the grocery store lately, you know there are a lot of options from which to choose. It’ll make your head spin before you’ve even had your first drink.

I am always up for trying something new, so I was excited when I was asked to sample Michelob ULTRA Light Cider. I was also a little leery. Cider, to me, meant autumn and bonfires, not to mention that the hard ciders I had tried in the past were too sweet or too heavy, neither of which appeals me on a hot, summer day.

Let’s go over what does appeal to me, shall we?

I want something light, refreshing and sparkling with a mild flavor and all-natural ingredients. And, while I’m at it, I would like it to have 1/3 less calories than traditional cider. You know, since I’m making up this drink as I go.

Except, I’m not making it up because Michelob ULTRA already did.

Isn’t it pretty? The entire sponsor’s site makes me thirsty just looking at it!

Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is not too sweet, not too heavy and is yummy alone or over ice. I tried it both ways, so I know that of which I speak. You’re welcome. Last weekend, when the temperature hit the mid-90’s, and the humidity sent my hair into a frenzy, it was the perfect thing to sip as I sat on a friend’s patio for the afternoon.

In addition, this crisp, refreshing cider is made by Anheuser-Busch and because it is brewed following the same process as beer (the key difference being the use of apples instead of hops and barley) you know your beverage is in good hands. Oh, and naturally gluten-free!

Forget what you think about cider; Michelob ULTRA proves it’s delicious year-round!

Which favorite summer meal or activity do you think would go best with Michelob ULTRA Light Cider? Visit the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider page on to see what other bloggers think!

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