I noticed my son staring at the television screen the other day and looked over to see him watching a beautiful woman being interviewed on the news.
I said, “Whatcha watching, buddy?”
He answered, “This woman. She reminds me of somebody.”
“Oh. Does she remind you of me?” I asked with a chuckle.
As usual, he was honest. “No.”
Feigning shock I said, “Why?! It is because she’s skinny and pretty and tall?”
Then my 12 year old daughter joined the conversation, uninvited, and said, “Aw, Mom. You’re tall.”
FINALLY!!! Ali gets the last word! hahahaha
Oh. Um, sorry.
(I just love her and miss her! Tell her I said hi!)
I think that comes under the Category of “Damning with Faint Praise”.
I am SO sorry I missed you this last weekend.
HA HA HA HA HA! This was just like my boys talking about some woman who was old & ugly, then telling me “don’t worry – you’re not old!”
Colleen, that’s too funny!
LOL… well, one out of three ain’t bad…
awww, at least she was trying?
Tara R.
Isn’t it the thought that counts?
Momo Fali
Well, you are on the tall side…
meleah rebeccah
Ahahahhahah. Well, I think you’re tall AND pretty!
Oh my word! Your kids are hilarious! My husband always wonders what I’m laughing about as I read your posts online. I tell him that I want kids like yours one day, but then I remember how easily embarassed I am and I start to wonder if I could handle it. Well, anyways, you are gorgeous so don’t mind your daughter!
A Blossoming Day
Funny! Daughters (we have 5) are honest alright. One time I got the crazy notion to have my hair colored deep auburn. It turned eggplant purple. I got home, walked in our kitchen, and our youngest (10 yrs. old at the time) says, “Mom you DO NOT have to go to my volleyball game today. I repeat. You DO NOT have to go.” Out of the mouths of babes!
Here’s hoping that honesty extends to her teenage years when you ask her who she’s going out with, where they’re going and what time they’ll be home. I think they lose a bit of the honesty gene when they hit puberty.
Deb @ San Diego Momma
That was sweet, in an unintentional non-sweet way.
It’s like when I was singing, and my five-year-old told me to “turn my mouth down.”
P.S. Congrats on BlogHer VOTY!
I just howled at that Momo. Just experienced a similar conversation only it was about photos of MYSELF on our honeymoon…19 years ago. Yes, I look a wee bit different now my loving daughters so lovingly pointed out! And thank you very much.
Just heard the BlogHer news! CONGRATS! Wish I was going to be there to see you!!! xo
Wow. Just wow. I have twin daughters and so I have the luxury of having them BOTH say delightful things like that to me.
Kim Kaas
Kids have such a way of making us feel so good about ourselves. Great Post!