1. After three weeks, “taking it easy” becomes completely overrated.
2. Daytime television is horrible, but middle-of-the-night television is even worse. At one point, you may find yourself so desperate that you watch an episode of Three’s Company. Shudder.
3. After two chest x-rays and a lung scan where you have to breathe radioactive gas through a tube, you’ll realize that if the flu, pneumonia or possible pulmonary embolism won’t kill you, the radiation eventually will.
4. Chicken and noodles is good.
5. Pain medicine is even better.
6. You may be so out of it that you won’t realize new carpet is being installed until it’s already been laid, covered with mud and cleaned up.
7. When no one will come near you, your dog’s affection is absolutely wonderful.
8. Even if that dog stinks.
9. Once you feel better and tell people you’re no longer contagious they will still take two steps back if you come near them.
10. You may come home from the hospital to find flowers, home-cooked food and groceries all over your kitchen.
11. And then you will realize how lucky you really are.
I am so glad you're home. I'm glad that you're doing better.
Wish I could have been there to give you chicken and noodles and all that love.
Take care of yourself and don't do too much to soon xoxoxoxoxxoox
Deb Thaxton
–>I'm so glad you're feeling better finally. I guess being sick makes you appreciate being healthy but there has to be other ways to recognize it….right?
Melisa with one S
SOOOO glad you're feeling better! Woot! xoxo
Tara R.
Good to see you out and about and on the mend. You were greatly missed.
Momo, I am so glad you are feeling better!
Hooray! You're back and feeling better! Glad to hear it. And the part about groceries and home-cooked food is pretty sweet.
Junk Drawer Kathy
You are loved, my dear. Glad you're on the mend. I totally get that rest thing being overrated. It's only good until you actually want to be active, but your body says nothin' doin'.
meleah rebeccah
YAY! I am so happy you are home and on the road to feeling better! xoxoxo
I'm so glad you are getting better!
Hurray for noncontagiousness. Is too a word.
How's your son?
Woo hooo to feeling better (and pain meds)
Pain management
most used drugs are opioid narcotics because it contains codeine, as it is the most commonly used for this type of pain, according findrxonline on its theme "chronic pain".
Twenty Four At Heart
Feel better. We're all sick too, but thankfully it's somewhat in control. It's that time of year …
Big hugs to you!
Lynn @ Walking With Scissors
I'm so glad that you're home and starting to feel better! And I hear ya on the lung scan. I botched my first attempt because I was panicking (who knew I was breathing-related claustrophobic-ish?). I nailed the second on though. woot!
Aunt Juicebox
Happy to hear you're on the mend. =)
Glad to hear you are home and better!
Hope everyone else is doing better too
Some people will do anything to get out of doing the laundry.
Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. I'm so glad you're on the mend!
Looks like you will REALLY need a trip to Maui now, to recuperate in style! So glad you are feeling better.
James (SeattleDad)
So glad to hear it is getting better for you.
Always Home and Uncool
Glad you are back and better. Stay well, Momo!
I'm just SO glad that you feel better, that you're starting to return to "normal". You had me SO worried Momo!
Jessica R.
Welcome back to the world of the living! What a couple weeks you've had!
I sure hope that you have kicked this illness in the butt and keep feeling better.
Jo Beaufoix
Glad you're home and doing ok hon. Hugs.
surprised mom
I'm so glad to hear you're on the mend and feeling better! Here's a hug for you! (See, I didn't take two steps back . . . )
Otter Thomas
Glad you are home and feeling better. I concur that pain medication is better than chicken and noodles. In fact I thin it is better than most things.
Corey~living and loving
so tell me….did they do a Titer to diagnose your flu as H1N1? did anyone else in your family get it.
are you going to live??????? i hope so. ♥
DysFUNctional Mom
I'm so glad you're feeling better.